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On the road to a million trees planted

For every bracelet you buy, you plant 3 trees

Buy a bracelet

Our mission

Our mission is to create a positive impact on nature, animals and people. We do this by planting trees, supporting various charities and providing honest services here and around the world.We believe that entrepreneurship is the way to make the fastest change in today's world. We want to show and be an example to other companies that we can create amazing things through entrepreneurship.



Buy a bracelet

Buy one of 8 Treecelet bracelets and we will plant 3 trees in your name.

Buy a bracelet

Become a forest hero

Help save the world by planting trees every month and get hero discounts.


With every tree planted:


Show your core values

Planting trees is a simple, effective and affordable way to show your commitment to a sustainable future.


Reduce your carbon footprint

Trees absorb carbon dioxide, help clean the air and contribute to the fight against climate change. More trees = cleaner air.


You help support ecosystems

Trees provide homes and food for a variety of animal species, promote biodiversity and strengthen natural ecosystems.


Improve quality of life

Trees provide shade, improve air quality and enhance the aesthetic value of the environment, all of which contribute to people's well-being and health.


Plant 3 trees with each product
Made by hand and with integrity
Plastic-free packaging and shipping
30-day satisfaction guarantee

Customer opinions and reviews

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( 23 Ratings)
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“The gift that matters <3 Love it!”

“The gift that matters <3 Love it!”

countryIzabela W., 22.08.2024

“Great bracelet, greater cause!”

“Great bracelet, greater cause!”

countryDaniel S., 12.07.2024

“Really good! Made a favourite person smile!”

“Really good! Made a favourite person smile!”

countryDaniel S., 12.07.2024
countryDaniel S., 12.07.2024



country Titina S., 14.12.2023

“Still in packaging.”

“Še v embalaži.”

countryApolonija, 26.10.2023

“A beautiful bracelet and a great idea. I hope you reach your goal of planting 1,000,000 trees.”

“Lepa zapestnica in odlična ideja. Upam, da boste dosegli svoj cilj in posadili 1.000.000 dreves. ”

countryMarina, 01.07.2023

“fast delivery, the bracelet is great! and I know I am supporting something wonderful. I love trees 🙂”

“hitra dostava, zapestnica je super! in vem, da podpiram nekaj čudovitega. Obožujem drevesa 🙂 ”

countryTine, 14.06.2023

“The bracelets are great value for money and support a good cause.”

“Zapestnice so čudovite za ceno in podpirajo dober namen. ”

countryPija, 13.05.2023

“Fast delivery, excellent sustainable product, they were very happy with the gift.”

“Hitra dostava, odličen trajnosten izdelek, z darilom so bili zelo zadovoljni. ”

countryBarbi, 06.05.2023

“The passion of young people to make a real difference. Trees are the first approach to reducing CO2.”

“Strast mladih, da bi dosegli resnične spremembe. Drevesa so prvi pristop k zmanjševanju CO2. ”

countryDarinka, 02.05.2023

“The bracelet is simply gorgeous, and the idea of planting trees through the bracelet is even more brilliant!”

“Zapestnica je preprosto čudovita, zamisel o sajenju dreves preko zapestnice je pa še bolj sijajna! ”

countryEvita, 28.04.2023

“Everything was fast, the tree planting is urgent and the company seems serious to me.”

“Vse je bilo hitro, sajenje dreves je nujno in podjetje se mi zdi resno. ”

countrySabina, 27.04.2023

“Beautiful bracelets for a good cause.”

“Lepe zapestnice za dober namen. ”

countrySuzana, 24.03.2023

“The Treecelet bracelets are beautiful and, of course, very importantly, trees are planted behind each bracelet.”

“Zapestnice Treecelet so prelepe in seveda zelo pomembno, za vsako zapestnico se posadijo drevesa. ”

countryRebeka, 12.03.2023

“The delivery took a few days, but the bracelets are very nice and I did something good for the environment by buying them.”

“Dostava je trajala nekaj dni, vendar so zapestnice zelo lepe in z nakupom sem naredil nekaj dobrega za okolje. ”

countrySimon, 11.03.2023

“A beautiful bracelet wrapped in practical and biodegradable packaging with a description of the trees planted. I like to think that I have helped the planet with my purchase.”

“Lepa zapestnica, zavita v praktično in biorazgradljivo embalažo z opisom posajenih dreves. Všeč mi je, da sem z nakupom pomagala planetu. ”

countryRebeka, 28.02.2023

“Beautifully designed bracelets, they are exceptionally good, and the linking of such an important issue (deforestation, sustainability) with such an aesthetic and easy purchase is just exquisite! It gives everyone the feeling that they can make a big difference with something small!”

“Lepo oblikovane zapestnice, so izjemno dobre, povezava tako pomembnega vprašanja (krčenje gozdov, trajnost) s tako estetskim in enostavnim nakupom pa je naravnost izvrstna! Vsakomur daje občutek, da lahko z nečim majhnim naredi veliko spremembo! ”

countryTadeja, 30.01.2023

“I am grateful to be able to support this project with my donation, because together we can make a sustainable difference in the world.”

“Hvaležen sem, da lahko s svojo donacijo podpiram ta projekt, saj lahko s skupnimi močmi trajnostno spremenimo svet. ”

countryJani, 23.01.2023

“All great!”

“Vse super! ”

countryLara, 19.01.2023

“It's great that senseless deforestation has some balance!”

“Super je, da je nesmiselno krčenje gozdov nekoliko uravnoteženo! ”

countrySimona, 16.01.2023

“Great customer support: fast and personal. Miha is my hero. 🙏”

“Super podpora strankam: hitra in osebna. Miha je moj junak. 🙏 ”

countryKristjan, 30.11.-0001

“The quality of the bracelet is very good”

“Kakovost zapestnice je zelo dobra ”

countryJana, 30.11.-0001

Forest Heroes Club

Help save the world by planting trees every month, fight climate change and get 25% off all bracelets

Forest Hero

Become a forest hero and plant trees every month.
5 /month

🌳 Plant 5 trees every month

🎁 25% discount on all bracelets

📷 VIP access to the media centre

Forest Superhero

Become a Forest superhero and plant trees every month.
10 /month

🌳 Plant 12 trees every month

🎁 25% discount on all bracelets

📷 VIP access to the media centre

Forest Guardian

Become a forest guardian and plant trees every month.
25 /month

🌳 Plant 40 trees every month

🎁 25% discount on all bracelets

📷 VIP access to the media centre

One-time Forest Hero

For those who do not wish to plant trees on a monthly basis, but would still like to help with the planting, we also offer the possibility of one time tree planting. The cost of planting a tree is 1€ and you can plant as many trees as you like.

Planting a tree

with VAT

Hero Guarantee

Membership is completely risk-free, as you can cancel it whenever you wish. If you wish to cancel within the first 30 days, we will refund your money no questions asked.
Additional guarantee
If you continue to see no value in the first 90 days, despite doing good things for the planet and despite making at least one purchase, we will also fully refund any retroactive membership fees. Simply email us at support@treecelet.com


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An organisation with very noble ambitions :) Keep it up! I have already bought a subscription, a bracelet and a bag.
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It is reassuring to know that the team behind the treecelet project is using these contributions to make a real positive difference in communities and areas in need, by passively contributing a small monthly amount.
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I was pleased to become a Forest Hero because it's my way of helping to preserve forests, and I also got a great discount on all my purchases. ;)

For a better future

  • Planting trees is not just about offsetting carbon emissions. Yes, trees help clean the air we breathe, but that's not all. Trees also filter the water we drink, reduce the risk of soil erosion, protect groundwater supplies, create shade and shelter for crops and livestock, and provide habitat for more than 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity.
  • With every tree you plant with us, you are supporting the fastest growing tree planting project in Europe. Your help enables us to increase our contribution together for a better future.

It all began

  • In 2018, as a small family business, we started thinking about how we can give more to nature than we take away.
  • So we started planting trees in the family. It felt great and we wanted to share that feeling with the world. We believe that everyone can be part of a positive change.
  • A year later, Treecelet was born. A project created to put positive impact on the world before profit.
  • Our journey of planting trees around the world continues today.
  • But today we are not alone, as more than 50 000 people around the world are planting trees with us. Thank you!
  • When you buy our products, you vote for a positive change in the world. Give yourself over to the adventure we will create together.

Kindness. Positivity. Honesty.

  • Treecelet is more than planting trees and caring for nature. When we say making a positive impact on the world, we also mean people.
  • Our products are made the honest way. All our bracelets are made in Slovenia.
  • They are made by young mums from home. This way we give them the opportunity to work and at the same time to take care of their young children.

2019 to date

by the year 2030

267.279 m²
300.000 m²
178.186 m³
200.000 m³

Map of tree planting locations

So far, we have planted trees in more than 10 locations in Slovenia and around the world. You can see our biggest projects on the map below.

Primary type: Oak
Tree planting partner: Treecelet planting team

Points of sale

Rifuzl - trgovina brez plastične embalaže
  • Celovška cesta 111,1000 Ljubljana (v neposredni bližini Kina Šiška)
  • 064 133 573 (v času obratovanja trgovine)
  • Brezplačno parkiranje do 30 minut (na parkirišču za zapornico)
Trgovina Židana marela
Čas za kavo
Damn Plastic Slovenija
Kotiček, Butična prodajalna in knjigarna
Trgovina Gušt

For conscious businesses

Contact us and join the mission
Our mission is to make life better for all living beings.We want to share the heartfelt story we create every day with other companies. We are entrepreneurs who can make a difference together. We offer a boutique seeding project for companies looking for the most effective path to sustainability.
If you are not satisfied with our contribution in the first three months, we will refund your money and plant the trees anyway.


  • The easy path to becoming a socially responsible/sustainable company.
  • Increase your brand awareness and obsessively boost sales and profits.
  • More profit gives you happy and motivated employees, faster development and more security.
  • And by doing so, we are directly making a positive impact in the world. Isn't that nice?
  • We can only create a sustainable life together.


  • In your name, we plant trees where the world needs them most.
  • We share all our knowledge on sustainability with you and help you implement it.
  • We regularly deliver media content for you to use in your advertising channels.
  • Get a badge and a QR code to prove that you plant trees and act sustainably.
  • We calculate your carbon footprint and much more ...


  • For each order received, plant X trees.
  • For every contract signed, plant X trees.
  • Plant X trees per month for each employee.
  • By planting trees, you offset CO2 emissions from your vehicles, employees, electricity, etc.
  • Add an upsell to your online shop basket.

Companies already planting trees











Merkur Zavarovalnica

Merkur Zavarovalnica

Telekom Slovenije

Telekom Slovenije

Henkel brand Loctite

Henkel brand Loctite

Seven Refractories

Seven Refractories



Story Alchemist

Story Alchemist







Naša Bauta

Naša Bauta



Grow and Scale

Grow and Scale







Parvat Clothing

Parvat Clothing

Chilli Wine

Chilli Wine

Blejska koča na Lipanci

Blejska koča na Lipanci

Tidy Owl

Tidy Owl













Svet užitka

Svet užitka

Prevajalska agencija GORR

Prevajalska agencija GORR

loveHR Summit

loveHR Summit

Adma kongres

Adma kongres

Lunar nepremičnine

Lunar nepremičnine







Mizarstvo Hrovat

Mizarstvo Hrovat



Perutnina Ptuj

Perutnina Ptuj

Val skupina

Val skupina

Atlantic Droga Kolinska

Atlantic Droga Kolinska